Tokket is coming out!
Tokket is launching apps and games that are not only fun but people can learn from.
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Tokkepedia is the first social and playable knowledge sharing app! Tokkepedia will be released later this year.

Alpha Guess
DYK there are millions of initialisms used in business, government, the military, and social media? Play Alpha Guess to have fun learning popular initialisms FTW including the most widely used acronyms. FYI – it's available now on the App Store and Google Play stores!

Tok Blitz
Tok Blitz is our inspirational, motivational, and celebrational game! Celebrate with your friends and family by playing this game during get togethers, birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions. Download from:

Toks equips students for success by making studying fun through socializing and playing! Enjoy interacting with your class notes through various study games. Learn from your classmates or help them by sharing content and commenting on classes. The web app will be ready soon, and the mobile version will follow.